
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here We Go again...

Mommy Moments

Q. walks into the kitchen chanting, "Boobie, boobie, boobie, boobie, boobie..." This isn't the first time. She likes to sing this chant to BBB. Seeing as he's a boy and that he still gets his main form of nourishment from something very similiar, he finds this chant amusing. I tell her this is not an appropriate thing to say. "But why?" The infamous kid question. Because its actually a part of our body that is supposed to be private and when we talk about it we should refer to it as a breast and only when there's a problem with it. In the back of my mind i am thinking i need to have a chat with Superman because i'm certain Q. may have overheard some hushed or maybe not so hushed talk in the car or sumthin'? Anyways, Q. loves to drag these conversations out probably because i'm not very good at putting this in terms she can understand...isn't it obvious i'm not good at this? Granma K. (my mom) walks in while i'm chatting with my runt and i have flashbacks to when i made my mom suffer through these same conversations. Does parenthood seem like its all about payback sometimes? Huh.


Christian (Chrissy) Anderson said...

Hey, I just saw your blog for the first time! It's so nice to hear "real" mommy stories (some people can't relate, or maybe don't wanna hear). Anyway, here's our blog
Keep in touch!

j bell said...

LOL I remember my first mommy moment like that except I was in CHURCH!!! Carson said, "Daddy why is your pee pee so big?" I wanted to die!!! Of course it was during the sacrament so it was VERY QUITE in the building too and everyone heard it!!! Love those moments.