
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Recent Reads

I'm not much of a book reviewer but i do love a good read. Lately, i've read Drowning Ruth, The Kite Runner, and i just finished Gap Creek.

I thought i'd try to put my three cents worth in.

Drowning Ruth was a pretty good read. the author made it a complex character story involving what i would call a bit of obsession and family betrayal; how secrets change a person and the people they interact with. i struggled a bit with the main character, trying to figure out if she was crazy or just plain self-centered. i'd like to say the second.

I don't really know what to say about The Kite Runner, except the farther i read the better it got. Really the end kept getting better and better. I think some readers might find the author slow to get the story going in the beginning or maybe its just a slow building up of the story, a setting up so to speak, for the climax and point of the whole thing. i read this with the perspective that it could be a true story. the real life experiences of the author...maybe his writing did that to me or maybe that was just me but the book is fiction as far as i know. I am trying to decide whether or not to make this a best read. if anyone else has read it, please let me know what you think. i would recommend it just to know what people i know think of this book. it has some really good reviews. i have to give the author credit for this being his first book; i think the writing was pretty good.

Now Gap Creek. I don't why i found this book so fascinating. i couldn't put it down. its about this teenage girl who lives in the backcountry of the Carolina's at the turn of the 20th century. its a simple tale about poor mountain living and the everyday struggles of that sort of life. its hard to believe this one young couple went through so much disaster in a year but maybe that is what kept the story interesting. maybe i'm just fascinated with the old ways of life. and adding the poor hick element just made it all the more interesting to me. i found it to be an entertaining read. maybe some would find it boring but if you're interested to read a "journal" of sorts of what it was like to eek out a living in the poor mountain country then this has alot of detail about it and i didn't find it boring at all.

i'm sure alicyn could do alot better at analyzing these so i hope she can get around to reading these sometime (even though i know you have your hands full with moving and all, i would like to know what you think.)

overall, i'd recommend any of these as good reads. now off to start on Icy Sparks, about a girl with turett's syndrome set in the 1950's. THE END


Studyvin Says said...

Jaime, I'll put those two on my list. Right now I'm in the 5th Harry Potter for the 2nd time. I've really enjoyed re-reading the Potter series. Then it will probably be time to get ready for my new school year-yikes! But I'll try to get to them before summer is out. You know I have a hard time with slow reads unless I'm making my students do it! ha!
Take care!

J. said...

i would love to hear your take on khaled houseini, author of "the kite runner". thanks for the comment. and good luck in the new hometown.