
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama Rhymes With Osama

*Warning*: This post may contain inflammatory remarks.

I absolutely cannot figure out what is wrong with Americans anymore. That we could even consider a man like Borak Obama for the presidency is ludicrous and insulting to everything America should stand for. I just heard something on the news about Obama requesting that people please disregard anything that is said about his background or beliefs and that "can someone please introduce me to this man, Borak Obama, because he sounds pretty scary."

The crazy thing is, Obama seems to have successfully used the reverse psychology tactic on the democrats and others of this nation.

i personally do not claim to be for either party; i prefer to elect the best man for the job and i think it is time for the United States to stand up for our old world values. i don't believe this is the vision our founding fathers had when they fought for our independence.

the fact that the largest percentage of Obama's supporters seem to be African American proves that racism still exists and that no matter how many years ago the Civil War took place, the war will never be over for this country. There will always be an undercurrent of racism among blacks and whites between blacks and whites.

The idea of this infuriates me. We would rather be a people acting as a fighting married couple in an argument trying to prove who is "right" and going to every last ridiculous possibility to be the "right" one. We would sacrifice what we know is honest and true in our hearts to prove a point no matter what the cost. We would trade our American integrity for selfish pride to win a foolish, man-made, and losing battle against who? Our brother in liberty? Our neighbor in freedom?

The media contributes the reason for Obama's success as a need for change; enough of the same old, same old. How ignorant...Obama's way of politicking is just as twisted and dishonest as the rest of 'em and i am starting to wonder in Superman's words, "is there a decent man (or woman) left...?"

ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDIN' ME!!!! We have to choose between MCLAIN and OBAMA! I thought the last election was bad. I guess I need to start prayin' real hard that i might be allowed to live to see a day when a decent, moral, upstanding man will be chosen to run for president; when my vote counts for a man i whole-heartily support rather than just counting in order to keep another man off the podium.

As for those of us who are not racist and are supporting Obama because it would be a great moment in history to elect the first black man as president, please, PLEASE, do us all a favor and go educate yourself on his background! and PLEASE DO LISTEN to the reports on his background and childhood education. PLEASE DO BELIEVE the reports of what his pastor, his wife and Obama have said about this country being un-American and racist.

This man has been raised to believe this country is run by white supremacists and racists. Some of the reports may be exaggerated but i know some of them are true. How else could they all stand as such great witnesses to one another?

Superman's advice to me in my fury: "Lord grant me the patience to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference." (unknown to me whom i'm quoting.)

This is frustrating advice because i dislike feeling powerless to make a difference in this world. it seems more and more to me that the a very small percentage of people have all the control and the rest of our voices do not matter. of course, i believe there are alot of voices not speaking out or simply not givin' a dang which leaves the others stuck in the mud.

can i blame the older or younger generations for sittin' around? for one, i remember being the younger and just NOT KNOWING and for the other, well, i can see where my road is headed--to a frustrating dead end. how much can a voice take before it decides to give up?

today i'm a fighter. today i'm determined. tomorrow is tomorrow.

even if i'm the only one to read this, so what. i can't say i didn't speak up somehow, somewhere. i can't say i'm not completely off the mark here either, but i don't think i am.

those of us wanting to make history--let's be patient and elect the "right" black man, not the "first" black man!

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