
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still Pretty Quiet on the Homefront

Yesterday was quite a day but overall we do not have alot going on. I am getting anxious and excited for school to start.

BBB is growing fast. he can pull up on stuff and his right bottom inscisor cut last week. the left one is visible but taking its time. BBB says, "Bababababa" and "Dadadadadada". So we are working on "Mamamamama".

Our yesterday included this:
Plus some. The gals were playing with the pots and pans--i didn't think much of it. Then i heard Q. say, "Uh-oh. You broke my pot." broke my pot? huh? what pot could they break? my thoughts as I went to check on them. i found my pots and pans, kitchen and kids coated with a layer of cinnamon and my mini-crock was minus a bottom.

Audi had set it down too hard and the bottom just cracked off.

Audi had "one of those days". Not an hour later a bowl she was carrying to the sink slipped and shattered on the floor and while i was cleaning that up, the BBB lunged out of his bumbo and landed in his baby food (my fault), on purpose (he was hungry). So then i had sweet potatoes and peas all over my carpet and BBB.

while i was uploading the cinnamon, i found this from the other day:

Even though Audi should be in trouble, i had to get some photos anyways. The funny thing is, it ALL goes to the lips: the eyeshadow, the blush, the lipstick...and it was ALL over my sheets too.

okay funny things Q. said:

Q. is wearing her "cape" and underwear; a common practice for her. Her cape is a hooded towel. so superman wiped his face on it at she walked by and she says, "Dad! thats my cape! say you're sorry. tell me you're sorry, dad!"

superman is going into the garage to open it so the kids can ride their bikes. I'm not sure what he did, but it evoked a comment from Q., "How dare you! What were dare you, dad!"

so i left my breakfast bowl on the couch. Q.'s take on it, "Mom, you are such a slob. i'll pick this up for you."

i think i might have an idea where she learns this stuff...

1 comment:

Christian (Chrissy) Anderson said...

I love reading your blog--you are a great writer!