
Thursday, June 24, 2010

All the Little Things.

Those who are close to our family know that we have been "in transition". Our home sold back in April before we were ready to get to our new town. Some people might question whether we made the right choice to sell our home when we did. However, looking back on things, we may have thought we knew what we were doing when it was really someone more powerful influencing our choices. God has had His hand in what i will call our cookie jar and He has left some wonderful little things and a few big things there for us to enjoy.

This started back in Nov. of last year when Superman discovered a teaching job at Pittsburg State U. in Pittsburg, Ks. Something Superman took away from his education was his own desire to educate others. I have joked with him that i married an engineer not a teacher but i've known since we've been married that this would be an excellent choice of career for him. Well, this job popped up and he applied even though the deadline was past because he figured if it was still posted they hadn't filled it. The start date was January. January came and went without word so we let it go. That was the beginning.

We found our dream home in February and suddenly the University called with our dream job. Our current home was on the market a total of 6 weeks. It showed twice; once at the beginning and once at the end. The sale took 3 weeks. The other homes for sale at the time are still for sale 4 months later.

We looked and looked for a home in our new town and found one we thought would be the one. it wasn't. we were gonna be house poor, not something i felt good about. The home didn't appraise and the seller was disagreeable. We lost a little on this one but gained much more. I'm not sure why God keeps cleaning up our messes except that He is truly our parent. As a parent myself i get it, but only a little.

as one deal went bad we found our home on a little hill in some woods on 10 acres and it was significantly cheaper, better built and rural...very rural. Though the town is twice as big as where we came from, we literally live in the middle of a corn field prairie with its own WallyWorld and to Superman's delight, DairyQ.

Am i nervous about moving two hours from home, being in a new house for six weeks with just the runts while Superman finishes his work in OK? Absolutely not. There are no questions in my mind or doubts whatsoever that i am in the right place, making the right choice, serving the right people. i'm over-the-moon happy. sacrifices pay off.

it's all the little things.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'm so happy for you guys! Your house sounds great and everything seems to be falling into place. Yay!