
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Q.'s Antics

i know i write about my oldest ALOT but she does and says the most crazy and unpredictable things. in some ways i know exactly how she thinks and why but in other ways i absolutely cannot relate to her. she is definately the most impulsive of my four runts and so seems to have more "incidents".

the set up: a few days ago Q. received her first bee sting. she stepped on the bee and it stung her between her toes. Superman pulled the stinger out and that was followed by an hour of dramatic crying, howling, and gnashing of teeth.

this led to storytrading by Superman and his brother to Q. about their own childhood bee sting adventures, possibly an effort to comfort her? Superman told her that a bee won't sting if you hold your breath.

which brings us to this morning. Q. comes in and tells me she caught a bee and held her breath. "it didn't sting me!"

great. a few hours later, here she is crying, howling, and the like, "THE BEE STUNG ME! I HELD MY BREATH AND IT STUNG ME!" sure enough, there was a bright red puncture in her finger not to mention the dramatic whaling and sobbing to prove it.

come to find out, she caught the same bee not once, not twice, but FIVE times before it stung her. i asked Superman what he was thinking telling her to hold her breath and then telling her stories of his daring "bee" catches. "i didn't think she'd actually go catch a bee; i thought the pain of the sting was enough to scare her away..."

he is nicknamed Superman for a good reason. he is our Superman. Q's idol, her hero. of course she'd do anything to be like him, to impress him. now measure out some six year old bravado and sprinkle on the impulsiveness.

BAM! there's a fearless bee-catching, tear-streaked face, little superwoman in my midst.

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