
Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Get Back Into the Habit

The other day i was talking to my friend Alida and i told her i needed to start blogging again. She had done a 30-day challenge and i thought this might be a good way to help me get back into the swing of things. i used to love to write and i thought, egotistically speaking, that some of my stuff was kinda' funny. Over the past year or so I feel like i've lost touch with that side of me and am hoping to test it out again. I am going to say upfront this is going to be cheesy (i think Alida used the word LAME-O), 80% self-centered, and if everything goes well, hopefully habit forming.

K; #1. A Photo of Myself and How My Day Went

Alright there I am, up there...this is a really recent picture. Now about my day.

there's a short version, a short version with highlights, and the loooonnnggg version. one, two, three eeny miny moe and the short version with highlights is the winner.

there's the average daily stuff, like taking two hours to really get out of bed, feed the runts, clean up poo, mop up food, and run late getting to where i need to go. later, it was cook some dinner that didn't sound appetizing then overcooking (even less appetizing...actually it was better than expected), make the pile of clean laundry bigger, listen to the runts fight in the bath, and ask them fifty times to get in bed.

next, is the extra-ordinary, above average not-so-daily stuff such as, superman asked me on a lunch date! we went to this place called Sweet Greens, a small town version of SouperSalad, small town inflated prices included, then he suggested we go take a walk at the park. Afterall, it was too gorgeous outside to be inside soooo...romantic, right? plus, while the dinner was overcooking, the runts were outside, barefoot, picking weeds and piling them on my front porch because they wanted to make me a bouquet (okay i made up that last bit about the bouquet).

then there's the out-of-this-world-i-can't-believe-it-finally-happened stuff like my #1, Q., biting into a homemade pretzel and crack! oh no she's screamin' like a baby with her head tilted back "Well don't swallow it! Spit it out! Spit it ALL out!" then her seeing the blood and "I'M BLEEEEEDIIIINGGG!" at about 100 decibils higher than she was screamin' a second ago. is my #1 really this old?

Bottom Line: My day was above average for exciting, below average on stress, and pretty much fine by me.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

So glad to see a post by you! I enjoyed reading about your day. I'm glad I'm not the only one who runs late everywhere I go.