
Monday, November 23, 2009

Facebook (FB) is Evil: In My Opinion, Educated or Otherwise

At first I was going to completely say goodbye to FB. I wasn’t going to turn the PC on at all, except my blog is online. And to say goodbye I had to go on FB. Then I decided, well, FB is like all other necessary evils. Ok it doesn’t rank on the scale with food and sleep but it is a good tool to stay in touch and it is fun to do BUT there MUST be moderation.

So I eliminated my usage of apps. NO MORE APPS. And I am going to try to quit going there all the time though it is interesting to read what everyone has to say and it takes forever to catch up if you miss a day or two BUT (hold up hand) BUT. Who cares? Why do I care? Because I do? Alright I have to work on not letting NOT KNOWING what’s up all the time bother me.

Remember work in progress…work in progress. Repeat after me. Work in progress. After all, I really don’t need to be online to even type this because it starts in Microsoft Office then I can copy and paste the edited portions. With all that said I am hoping to see a marked improvement with my online usage of FB. And it is liberating just thinking about it. In fact, I’m a little excited.

I have a lot of unread literature just waiting to uplift me and what a much better example for my kids to see my nose buried in a book rather than glowing from screen glare. Now I know I mentioned a counselor; that’s actually my imaginary friend, however I am seriously considering bringing that to reality. All in due time. The end.


Ashley said...

Finding balance can be tough. I used to struggle with too much computer time (before working full time and being insanely busy). It can be hard to prioritize the most important things. I hate that. I know some people get online for 20 minutes in the morning and then turn their computer completely off for the day until their kids are in bed. Maybe that would work? (I for one am glad you're on fb and that you blog - it's nice keeping in touch this way).

Michele said...

I have a solution for you. Read is article and decide.,8599,1954631,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly